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Empfehlung des Ministerkomitees des Council of Europe zu Medien Pluralismus und Transparenz unterstreicht die Bedeutung von Community Medien

Am 7. März 2018 hat das Ministerkomitee des Council of Europe eine Empfehlung zu Medienpluralismus und Medientransparenz verschiedet, in dem es die Bedeutung der Community Medien hervorhebt. Im Anschluss einige Zitate aus dieser Empfehlung, die Sie in voller Länge hier finden.

Im Vorwort heißt es "Independent and sustainable public service and not-for-profit community media can serve as a counterbalance to increased media concentration. By virtue of their remit and organisation, public service media are particularly suited to address the informational needs and interests of all sections of society, as is true of community media in respect of their constituent users.“

Weiters empfiehlt der MInisterrat den MItgliedsstaaten:
"States should encourage and support the establishment and functioning of minority, regional, local and not-for-profit community media, including by providing financial mechanisms to foster their development. Such independent media give a voice to communities and individuals on topics relevant to their needs and interests, and are thus instrumental in creating public exposure for issues that may not be represented in the mainstream media and in facilitating inclusive and participatory processes of dialogue within and across communities and at regional and local levels."

In Sachen Media Literacy heißt es unter 5.4. "States should encourage all media, without interfering with their editorial independence, to promote media literacy through policies, strategies and activities. Public service media and community media can play leading roles in promoting media literacy by virtue of their objectives, mandates and working methods. States should also promote media literacy through support schemes for media, taking into account the particular roles of public service media and community media.“

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